Thursday, June 23, 2011

Collection Guide: Readings on the French and Indian War

As part of his summer internship here at the David Library, William "Billy" Griffith of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, has created an annotated finding guide to the books and pamphlets in the Library's collections relating to the French and Indian War. Despite the specificity of the Institution's title, the Library's collection embrace the full period of 1750-1800, containing a wealth of material on the French and Indian War as well as the conflicts of the Early Republic. Thanks to Billy's efforts with the new finding aid, our holdings for the early half of our period should now be much easier to access.The titles are arranged by subject, with the call number of each volume appearing above its title.


The David Library of the American Revolution
Selected Readings on the French and Indian War

* General Histories

* Battles and Campaigns
         - Jumonville Glen/ Fort Necessity 1754
         - Braddock’s March/ Battle of the Monongahela 1755
         - Crown Point Expedition/ Battle of Lake George 1755
         - Fort Bull 1756
         - Siege of Fort William Henry 1757
         - Siege of Louisbourg 1758
         - Battle of Ticonderoga (Carillon) 1758
         - Forbes Expedition to Fort Duquesne 1758
         - Battle of Quebec 1759
         - Treaty of Paris 1763

* British, Provincial, and French Land and Naval Forces/ Native Americans

* People
       - Amherst, Jeffrey
       - Braddock, Edward
       - Forbes, John
       - Hendrick, Chief
       - Johnson, William
       - Loudoun, Lord
       - Montcalm, Louis- Joseph
       - Rogers, Robert
       - Shirley, William
       - Washington, George
       - Wolfe, James

* Journals, Correspondence, Papers, etc

General Histories

Anderson, Fred. Crucible of war: the Seven Years' War and the fate of empire in British North America (New York, NY, 2000).

Anderson, Fred. The war that made America: a short history of the French and Indian War (New York, NY, 2005).

Bearor, Bob. French and Indian War battle sites: a controversy (Bowie, MD, 2000).

Bellico, Russel P. Empires in the mountains: French and Indian war campaigns and forts in the Lake Champlain, Lake George, and Hudson River corridor (New York, NY 2010)

Berieth, Richard J. Bloody Mohawk: the French and Indian War and American Revolution on New York’s frontier (New York, NY 2010)

Bird, Harrison. Battle for a continent (New York, NY, 1965).

Borneman, Walter R. The French and Indian War: Deciding the Fate of North America (New York, 2006)

Cave, Alfred A. The French and Indian War (Westport, CT, 2004).

Drake, Samuel G. Five Years French and Indian War (Bowie, MD, 1995).

Fort Ligonier Association. War for Empire in Western Pennsylvania (Ligonier, 1993).

Fowler, Jr., William M. Empires at war: the French & Indian War and the struggle for North America, 1754-1763 (New York, 2005).

Furneaux, Rupert. The Seven Years War (London, 1973).

Hamilton, Edward Pierce. The French and Indian Wars; the story of battles and forts in the wilderness (Garden City, NY, 1962).

Johnson, Rossiter. The old French war (New York, NY, 1882).

Kellen, Konrad. Battle in the wilderness (New York, NY, 1961).

Leckie, Robert. A few acres of snow; the saga of the French and Indian Wars (New York, NY, 1999).

Ref 79
Lydon, James G. Struggle for empire: a bibliography of the French and Indian War (New York, NY, 1986).

Marrin, Albert. Struggle for a continent: the French and Indian wars, 1690-1760 (New York, NY, 1987).

Nester, William R. The first global war: Britain, France, and the fate of North America, 1756-1775 (Westport, CT, 2000).

Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe (New York, 1984).

Parkman, Francis. Musket and Tomahawk: a military history of the French and Indian War, 1753-1760 (UK, 2007).

Parkman, Francis. The Battle for North American (New York, 1948).

Schwartz, Seymour I. The French and Indian War, 1754-1763: the imperial struggle for North America (Camden, NJ, 1994).

Sloane, William Milligan. The French war and the Revolution (Boston, MA, 1972).

Stephenson, R.S. Clash of empires : the British, French, and Indian War, 1754-1763 (Pittsburgh, PA, 2005).

Todish, Timothy J. America's first world war: the French and Indian War, 1754-1763 (Fleischmanns, NY, 2002).

Battles and Campaigns

Jumonville Glen/ Fort Necessity 1754

Alberts, Robert. A Charming Field for an Encounter: George Washington’s Fort Necessity (Washington, 1875).

Chartrand, Rene. Monongahela 1754-55: Washington’s Defeat, Braddock’s Disaster (Oxford, 2004).
*Focuses on Jumonville Glen and Fort Necessity

Hadden, James. Washington’s expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock’s expedition (1755) with history of Tom Fausett, the slayer of General Edward Braddock. (Uniontown, PA, 1910).
*Covers both Jumonville Glen and Fort Necessity

James, Alfred Procter. Drums in the forest (Pittsburgh, PA, 1958).
*Background and tactical information on the military situation in the Ohio River Valley, 1754-55. Fort Necessity is covered in the first chapter.

Leduc, Gilbert Francis. Washington and  "the murder of Jumonville” (Boston, 1943).
Focuses on events leading up to the ambush of Ensign de Jumonville’s party by Washington’s detachment.

Pennsylvania Society. Fort Necessity and historic shrines of the Redstone country (Uniontown, PA, 1932).

Tilberg, Frederick. Fort Necessity National Battlefield Site, Pennsylvania (Washington, 1954).

Braddock’s March/ Battle of the Monongahela 1755

Braddock Road chronicles, 1755 (Bowie, MD, 1999).

Bricker, Calvin. Conflict on the Conococheague, 1755-1758 : terror in the backcountry of Pennsylvania and Maryland (Mercersburg, PA, 2008).
*Discusses Braddock’s march in the first chapter.

Chartrand, Rene. Monongahela 1754-55: Washington’s Defeat, Braddock’s Disaster (Oxford, 2004).
*Information on the Monongahela campaign with maps and pictures

Crocker, Thomas E. Braddock’s March: how the man sent to seize a continent changed American history (Yardley, PA, 2009).
*In-depth study on Braddock and the Monongahela Campaign.

Hadden, James. Washington’s expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock’s expedition (1755) with history of Tom Fausett, the slayer of General Edward Braddock. (Uniontown, PA, 1910).

Koperman, Paul. Braddock at the Monongahela (Pittsburgh, 1977).

Netherton, Ross de Witt. Braddock’s campaign and the Potomac route to the west (Falls Church, VA,1989).

Temple, Henry Willson, The battle of Braddock’s Field, July 9, 1775 (PA, 1930).

Sargent, Winthrop. The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755 under Major-General Edward Braddock (Lewisburg, PA, 1997).

Crown Point Expedition/ Battle of Lake George 1755

Ferris, Morris Patterson. An account of the battle of Lake George September 8, 1755 (New York, 1903)

Map and history of Lake George, N. Y. in the Adirondacks (1950).

Pew, William A. The Drums of Ephraim Williams (Salem, 1925).
*Ephraim Williams was a colonel of Massachusetts Provincials in William Johnson’s expeditionary force. Leading a column of 1000 reinforcements to the aid of Fort Edward, Williams’ command was ambushed by a concealed French force. Attempting to rally his men, Williams was killed while standing a top a large boulder. This episode known as the “Bloody Morning Scout” was the first phase of the Battle of Lake George.

Pomeroy, Seth. The journals and papers of Seth Pomeroy, sometime general in the colonial service (New York, 1926)
*Seth Pomeroy (b. 1706) was born in Hampshire Country, Massachusetts. Serving as a colonel of Massachusetts provincials in Johnson’s force, Pomeroy was a witness to the Battle of Lake George.

Van de Water, Frederic. Lake Champlain and Lake George (New York, 1946).
*History of Lake George including a brief section on the Battle of Lake George.

Fort Bull 1756

Hagerty, Gilbert W. Massacre at Fort Bull; the de Léry expedition against Oneida Carry, 1756 (Providence, Rhode Island, 1971).

Siege of Fort William Henry 1757

Dodge, Edward J. Relief is greatly wanted: the battle of Fort William Henry (MD, 1998).

Fitch, Jabez. The diary of Jabez Fitch, Jr. in the French and Indian War, 1757 (Glen Falls, New York, 1968).
*Jabez Fitch Jr. (1737-1812) enlisted as a sergeant in Adonijah Fitch’s Connecticut Company in 1757. He was stationed with Webb at Fort Edward when Montcalm besieged Fort William Henry. Fitch describes in his diary the sounds of battle heard each day in the distance and Webb’s actions during the week.

Starbuck, David R. Massacre at Fort William Henry (Hanover, 2002).
*Starbuck presents a historical and archaeological study of the fort, 1757 siege, and the subsequent “massacre”.

Steele, Ian K. Betrayals: Fort William Henry and the massacre (New York, 1990).

Siege of Louisbourg 1758

Chartand, Rene. French fortresses in North America, 1535-1763: Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg, and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005).

Chartrand, Rene. Louisbourg, 1758: Wolfe’s first siege (New York, NY 2010).

Downey, Fairfax Davis. Louisbourg: key to a continent (New Jersey, 1965).

Johnston, A. J. B. Control and order in French colonial Louisbourg, 1713-1758 (East Lansing, 2001).

Johnston, A. J. B. Endgame 1758: the promise, the story, and the despair of Louisbourg’s last decade. (Lincoln, NE 2007).

McLennan, John. Louisbourg from its foundation to its fall, 1713-1758 (Sydney, 1969).

Battle of Ticonderoga (Carillon) 1758

Chartrand, Rene. Ticonderoga 1758: Montcalm’s victory against all odds (Oxford, 2000)

Gilchrist, Helen I. Fort Ticonderoga in History (Fort Ticonderoga Museum, New York).

Hamilton, Edward Pierce. Fort Ticonderoga, key to a continent (Boston, 1964).

Lonergan, Carroll Vincent. Ticonderoga: historic portage (Ticonderoga, New York, 1959).

Nester, William R. The epic battles for Ticonderoga, 1758 (Albany, 2008).

Pell, Stephen H. P. Fort Ticonderoga: a short history (Fort Ticonderoga Museum, New York, 1935).

Ray, Frederic. Fort Ticonderoga: a concise history of the old fort told in pictures (1950).

Rea, Caleb. The journal of Dr. Caleb Rea. Written during the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1758 (Salem, 1881).
*Dr. Caleb Rea (1727-1760) was born in Danvers, Massachusetts. Rea was a doctor traveling with Abercromby’s force on campaign to capture Fort Ticonderoga. In his journal, Rea describes the campaign and battle of Bernetz Brook and Carillon.

Richards, Frederick B. The Black Watch at Ticonderoga and Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe (Fort Ticonderoga Museum, New York)
*The 42nd Royal Highland Regiment at the Battle of Carillon and the story and legend surrounding the death of Major Duncan Campbell

Forbes Expedition to Fort Duquesne 1758

Bricker, Calvin. Conflict on the Conococheague, 1755-1758 : terror in the backcountry of Pennsylvania and Maryland (Mercersburg, PA, 2008).
*Discusses the 1758 Forbes Campaign in the Conococheague region

Cubbinson, Douglas. The British defeat of the French in Pennsylvania, 1758: a military history of the Forbes campaign against Fort Duquesne (Jefferson, NC 2010).

Darlington, Mary C. Fort Pitt and letters from the frontier (New York, 1971).

Dixon, David. Fort Pitt museum: Pennsylvania trail of history guide (Mechanicsburg, 2004).

O’Meara, Walter. Guns at the forks (Englewoods Cliffs, New Jersey, 1965).

Battle of Quebec 1759

Chartand, Rene. French fortresses in North America, 1535-1763: Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg, and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005).

Chartrand, Rene. Quebec 1759: the Heights of Abraham, 1759; the armies of Wolfe and Montcalm (Oxford, 1999).

Connell, Brian. The Plains of Abraham (London, 1959).

Donaldson, Gordon. Battle for a continent, Quebec 1759 (Toronto, 1973).

Hibbert, Christopher. Wolfe at Quebec (Cleveland, 1959).

LaPierre, Laurier L. 1759: the battle for Canada (Toronto, 1990).

Lloyd, Christopher. The capture of Quebec (New York, 1959)

Manning, Stephen. Quebec the story of three sieges (Montreal, 2009).

McLynn, Frank. 1759: the year Britain became master of the world (New York, 2004).

Stacey, C. P. Quebec, 1759: the siege and the battle (Toronto, 1959).

Treaty of Paris 1763

Calloway, Collin G. The Scratch of Pen: 1763 and the transformation of North America (Oxford,2006)

British, Provincial, and French Land and Naval Forces/ Native Americans

Baker-Crothers, Hayes. Virginia and the French & Indian War (Bowie, MD, 1998).

Brumwell, Stephen. Redcoats: the British soldier and war in the Americas, 1755-1763 (New York, NY, 2002).

Casterline, Greg. Colonial tribulations: the survival story of William Casterline and his comrades of the New Jersey Blues Regiment, French and Indian War, 1755-1757 (2007).

Chapin, Howard M. Rhode Island in the colonial wars: a list of Rhode Island soldiers & sailors in King George's War, 1740-1748 and a list of Rhode Island soldiers & sailors in the old French & Indian War, 1755-1762 (Baltimore, MD,1994).

Chartand, Rene. French fortresses in North America, 1535-1763: Quebec, Montreal, Louisbourg, and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005).

Downes, Randolph C. Council Fires on the Upper Ohio : a narrative of Indian Affairs in the Upper Ohio Valley until 1795 (Pittsburgh, 1940).
*Focuses on Native American relations with the French and British

Elting, John R. Military uniforms in America: from the series produced by the Company of Military Historians (San Rafael, 1974).
*Pictures and descriptions of British, French, and Provincial uniforms.

Ford, Worthington Chauncey. British officers serving in America. 1754-1774. Comp. from the "army lists” (Boston, 1894)

Grant, George. The new Highland military discipline, or a short manual exercise explained, with the words of command; in which is laid down the duty of the officer and soldier through the several branches of that concise service. Most humbly dedicated to the honourable Francis Grant, Lieutenant Colonel of Lord John Murry's Highlanders. Illustrated with twelve copper-plates representing some of the motions. London, sold in May's Buildings, Covent-Garden, by George Bickham, engraver, 1757 (Ottawa, 1967).

Jennings, Francis. Empire of fortune: crowns, colonies, and tribes in the Seven Years' War in America (New York, NY, 1988).
*Focuses on the peoples occupying North America during the French and Indian War and the politics behind the struggle.

Kemmer, Brenton C. Redcoats, Yankees and allies : a history of the uniforms, clothing and gear of the British army in the Lake George - Lake Champlain corridor, 1755-1760 (Bowie, Maryland, 1998).

Loescher, Burt Garfield. Genesis : Rogers Rangers : the first Green Berets : the corps & the revivals, April 6, 1758-December 24, 1783 (Bowie, 2000).

Loescher, Burt Garfield. The history of Rogers' Rangers (Bowie, 2001).

May, Robin. Wolfe’s Army (Oxford, 1974).
*Focuses on James Wolfe’s army from Louisbourg (1758) to Quebec (1759).

McCulloch, Ian M. Sons of the mountains: the Highland Regiments in the French and Indian War, 1756-1767 (Ticonderoga, New York, 2006).
*This two-volume set focuses on the Highlander units of the British Army during the French and Indian War- most famously the 42nd, 77th and 78th Regiments. Also included are muster rolls and land petitions of the individual soldiers.

Peden, Henry C. Marylanders and Delawareans in the French and Indian War, 1756-1763 (Lewes, DE, 2004).

Rogers, Alan. Empire and liberty: American resistance to British authority, 1755-1763 (Berkeley, CA, 1974).

Starbuck, David R. Rangers and Redcoats on the Hudson: exploring the past on Rogers Island, the birthplace of the U.S. Army Rangers (Hanover, 2004).

Silver, Peter Rhoads. Our savage neighbors: how Indian war transformed early America (New York, 2008).

Winfield, Rif. British warships in the age of sail, 1714 - 1792: design, construction, careers and fates (St. Paul, 2008).


Amherst, Jeffrey
Succeeded Loudoun as commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s forces in North America. Accepted the surrender of the French in Canada.

Des Cognets, Louis. Amherst and Canada (Princeton, 1962).

Film 310
Beattie, Daniel John. General Jeffery Amherst and the conquest of Canada, 1758-1760

Film 421
Amherst, Sir Jeffrey. The papers of Sir Jeffrey Amherst. Originals are in the National Archives (Britain).

Amherst papers, 1756-1763 : the southern sector : dispatches from South Carolina, Virginia, and His Majesty's Superintendent of Indian Affairs (Bowie, 1999).

Long, J. C. Lord Jeffery Amherst, a soldier of the king (New York, 1933).

Braddock, Edward
Came to North America as commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s forces in 1755. Led a force to the outskirts of Fort Duquesne where his command was attacked by the French and their native allies. During the fighting he was mortally wounded and died during the retreat to Fort Cumberland.

Braddock, Edward. Major General Braddock's orderly books: from February 26 to June 17, 1755 (Cumberland, MD, 1878).
*Orderly book spans the beginning of Braddock’s March.

McCardell, Lee. Ill-starred General: Braddock of the Coldstream Guards (Pittsburgh, 1956).

Forbes, John
Adjutant-General of the British Army in North America under Lord Loudon in 1756-1757. Led the only successful campaign against the French at Fort Duquesne in 1758.

Film 434
Forbes, John. Papers of John Forbes, 1707-1759 (Charlottesville, VA).

Film Guide 434
A calendar of the headquarters papers of Brigadier-General John Forbes: relating to the expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1758 in the Tracy W. McGregor Library (Charlottesville, VA, 1988).

Forbes, John. Writings of John Forbes relating to his service in North America (Menasha, WI, 1938).

Hendrick, Chief
Chief of Mohawks and a very close friend of Sir William Johnson. Allying many natives with the British, Hendrick was killed during the Battle of Lake George while leading a column of reinforcements, along with Ephraim Williams, to the aid of Fort Edward.

Hinderaker, Eric. The two Hendricks: unraveling a Mohawk mystery (Cambridge, 2010)

Johnson, William
Superintendent for Indian Relations in the Northern Department. Johnson was responsible for persuading most of the Native Americans to fight on the side of the British. Commanding the expeditionary force to Crown Point in 1755, he defeated Jean-Armand, Baron de Dieskau’s force at the Battle of Lake George.

Buell, Augustus. Sir William Johnson (New York, 1903).

Flexner, James Thomas. Lord of the Mohawks: A Biography of Sir William Johnson (Boston, 1979).

Flexner, James Thomas. Mohawk Baronet: Sir William Johnson of New York (New York, 1959).

Johnson, William. The papers of Sir William Johnson (Albany, NY, 1921-1965).

Film 350
Mullin, Michael Joseph. Sir William Johnson, Indian relations, and British policy, 1744 to 1774 (1989).

Pound, Arthur. Johnson of the Mohawks: a biography of Sir William Johnson, Irish immigrant, Mohawk War Chief, American soldier, empire builder (New York, 1930).

Loudoun, Lord
Preceded Jeffery Amherst as commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s forces in North America, 1756-1757.

Pargellis, Stanley M. Lord Loudoun in North America (Hamden, 1933).

Montcalm, Louis- Joseph
Commanded the main body of French military forces in North America. Known for his great victories at Fort Oswego, William Henry, and Ticonderoga (Carillon). He was mortally wounded while leading his command against James Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham in 1759.

Lewis, Meriwether Liston. Montcalm, the marvelous marquis (New York, 1961).

Rogers, Robert
Raised a unit of colonials and trained them to fight in the wilderness. Rogers' Rangers is credited as having been the first Special Forces unit in American History. His tactics are still taught to this day.

Bearor, Bob. The battle on snowshoes (Bowie, MD, 1997).

Cuneo, John R. Robert Rogers of the Rangers (New York, 1987).

Loescher, Burt Garfield. Genesis : Rogers Rangers : the first Green Berets : the corps & the revivals, April 6, 1758-December 24, 1783 (Bowie, 2000).

Loescher, Burt Garfield. The history of Rogers' Rangers (Bowie, 2001).

Rogers, Robert. Reminiscences of the French War: with Robert Rogers journal and a memoir of General Stark (Freedom, 1988).

Rogers, Robert. The annotated and illustrated journals of Major Robert Rogers (New York, 2002).

Ross, John F. War on the Run: the epic story of Robert Rogers and the conquest of America’s first frontier (New York, 2009)

Shirley, William
Royal Governor of Massachusetts and successor of Edward Braddock as commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s forces in North America.

Shirley, William. Correspondence of William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts and military commander in America, 1731-1760, ed. under the auspices of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America (New York, 1912).

Schutz, John A. William Shirley, Kings Governor of Massachusetts (Williamsburg, 1961)

Washington, George
Young Virginia provincial officer that ordered his men to open fire on a party of French soldiers at Jumonville Glen in 1754, spilling the first blood of the war. Commanding an expedition against the French in the Ohio River Valley, Washington was defeated at Great Meadows (Fort Necessity). Serving under Edward Braddock on his ill-fated march to Fort Duquesne, he was the only officer on the General’s staff that was not killed during the engagement along the Monongahela River in July 1755. Seeking a commission in the British Army, but never receiving one, he retired from military service during the war.

Amber, Charles Henry. George Washington and the west (New York, 1971).
*Washington’s experience during the French and Indian War

Clary, David A. George Washington’s first war: his early military adventures (New York, 2011)

Goodhart, Philip. Colonel George Washington: soldier of the king (England, 1993).
*Brief telling of Washington in the early years of the French and Indian War

Washington, George. George Washington remembers: reflections on the French and Indian War (Lanham, Maryland, 2004).

Wolfe, James
In 1758, under Amherst’s command, Wolfe helped lead successful landings at Louisbourg and rose to the rank of Major General. In charge of capturing Quebec in 1759, Wolfe was mortally wounded while leading troops against Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham. The subject of famous artwork and literature, he has become known as the “man that won Canada”.

Brumwell, Stephen. Paths of Glory: The Life and Death of General James Wolfe (Montreal, 2006).

Hibbert, Christopher. Wolfe at Quebec (Cleveland, 1959).

McNairn, Allan. Behold a Hero: General Wolfe and the arts in the eighteenth century (Montreal, 1997).

Reilly, Robin. The Rest to Fortune: the life of Major-General James Wolfe (London, 1960).

Waugh, W. T. James Wolfe: a man and soldier (Montreal, 1928).

West, Benjamin. The Death of Wolfe (Ann Arbor, 1928).

Whitton, Frederick E. Wolfe and North America (Boston, 1929).

Wilson, Beckles. The life and letters of James Wolfe (London, 1909).

Wolfe, James. General Wolfe's instructions to young officers; also his orders for a battalion and an army, together with the orders and signals used in embarking and debarking an army by flat-bottom'd boats, &c; and a placart to the Canadians, to which is prefixed the resolution of the House of Commons for his monument; and his character, and the dates of all his commissions; also the duty of an adjutant and quarter master, &c. (Ottawa, 1967).

Journals, Correspondence, Papers, etc…

American Antiquarian Society. Manuscript records of the French and Indian was in the library of the Society, prepared from the originals under direction of the library committee (Worcester, MA, 1909).

Bougainville, Louis Antoine. Adventures in the wilderness: the American journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756-1760 (Norman, OK, c1964).
*Bougainville was Montcalm’s aide-de-camp and served in North America from 1756 till the end of the war

Bouquet, Henry. Papers of Henry Bouquet (Harrisburg, PA, 1951).

Film 42
Early American orderly books. Originals are in the New York Historical Society.

Fitch, Jabez. The diary of Jabez Fitch, Jr. in the French and Indian War, 1757 (Glen Falls, New York, 1968).
*Jabez Fitch Jr. (1737-1812) enlisted as a sergeant in Adonijah Fitch’s Connecticut Company in 1757. He was stationed with Webb at Fort Edward when Montcalm besieged Fort William Henry. Fitch describes in his diary the sounds of battle heard each day off in the distance and Webb’s actions during the week.

French and Indian War notices abstracted from colonial newspapers (MD, 2000).
*Articles from major newspapers of the time period covering all actions, people, etc… during the French and Indian War

Film 560
French and Indian War orderly books. Originals are in the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Hamilton, Charles. Braddock's defeat; the journal of Captain Robert Cholmley's batman, the journal of a British officer [and] Halkett's orderly book (Norman, Oklahoma, 1959).

Pomeroy, Seth. The journals and papers of Seth Pomeroy, sometime general in the colonial service (New York, 1926)
*Seth Pomeroy (b. 1706) was born in Hampshire Country, Massachusetts. Serving as a colonel of Massachusetts provincials in Johnson’s force, Pomeroy was a witness to the Battle of Lake George.

Rea, Caleb. The journal of Dr. Caleb Rea. Written during the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1758 (Salem, 1881).
*Dr. Caleb Rea (1727-1760) was born in Danvers, Massachusetts. Rea was a doctor traveling with Abercromby’s force on campaign to capture Fort Ticonderoga in 1758. His journal describes the campaign and the Battle of Bernetz Brook and Carillon.

Rogers, Robert. Reminiscences of the French War: with Robert Rogers’ journal and a memoir of General Stark (Freedom, 1988).

Rogers, Robert. The annotated and illustrated journals of Major Robert Rogers (New York, 2002).

Have something you want to share, such as a question, research find, or a personal story about the Library? Email Will Tatum at

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